
Partnerships Power Everything We Do

Oxitec’s platform has been built with the support of hundreds of partner organizations globally and with thousands of people who have committed their lives to using the power of biology to combat global challenges like dengue.

Sparks™ will be no different.

Sparks™ will scale Wolbachia Replacement Technology (WRT) by leveraging existing partnerships and new relationships with governments, non-profits, universities, start-ups, and industry leaders.

Because Sparks™ is focused on reducing costs of WRT, we are creating a global network of partners with complementary areas of expertise and leveraging the best-in-class in all of the critical areas for streamlining how WRT gets to those who need it the most. From innovators in university labs to leading pest control companies, and from suppliers to distributors, the Sparks™ network will be in service to governments and communities globally.

If you would like to explore partnership options, please get in touch with us.